
AI-based Vendor Neutral Archive

Simplirad is a cloud native PACS with an integrated vendor neutral archive (VNA) software that allows healthcare professionals, radiology centers and hospitals to store, access, and share patient data across multiple locations through a unified, centralized platform.

It provides an efficient and productive way to manage large amounts of medical images without having to worry about compatibility issues between different vendors' systems and different file formats.

The Main Features of Simplirad VNA Imaging Software:

  1. Secure storage and retrieval of medical images
  2. Interoperability with other systems
  3. Scalability
  4. Advanced search capabilities
  5. Support for various file formats such as DICOM, Non-DICOM, JPEG, MP4, PDFs, etc.It also supports images generated with different extensions in various departments like cardiology, dentistry, ENT, mammography, ophthalmology, and many more.
  6. Integration with existing IT infrastructure
  7. Ability to customize user roles and permissions.

In addition to this, Simplirad VNA radiology software also allows rule-based retention periods wherein users can define for how long any medical image should be retained in the system. Once that period gets over, the image automatically gets out of the system.


Benefits of Simplirad VNA Radiology Software:

Cost savings due to reduced hardware and software requirements

With Simplirad, radiology centers and hospitals don’t have to invest in multiple PACS infrastructures for every department. Instead, they can do everything from a single, unified platform.

Improved workflow efficiency through faster image sharing times

With functionalities like second opinion workflow, auto order creation, and reporting workflows, a majority of manual tasks gets replaced with automation. This results in faster image sharing and increased overall productivity of doctors and other staff members.

Better collaboration among teams working on the same case or project

As departments and professionals don’t have to worry about the format and extensions of medical images, they can simply produce images and save them in our VNA software. Further, they can make editions in images and reports right in Simplirad’s cloud native interface. Did we mention that Simplirad also offers change history along with time and user stamp to track all the actions performed on any medical image?

Better security against unauthorized access

or manipulation of sensitive data files. With smart rule-based retention period functionality, every medical image and report can be made highly confidential and secure. Who can access a report and how long? - All this can be handled effectively in Simplirad.

Simplirad vendor neutral archive software is built using the modern technology stack which makes it highly performant, secure, and scalable platform. It offers extremely beneficial tools for healthcare professionals who need quick access to accurate patient records while ensuring compliance with industry standards at all times.

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