
Hospital PACS System With In-built RIS Functionality

As a hospital, you need the advantages of a premium PACS. Simplirad hospital PACS system has everything you need and more, and is available at an affordable price. We make it easy to customize it specifically to your needs with our standard offering including unlimited deployments and viewing capabilities, the ability to share DICOM images with all departments in your hospital OR with any of your branch hospitals, and other useful features.

Simplirad PACS for hospitals has inbuilt RIS functionality that easily integrates with your HIS. Modern standard of care requires a fully integrated PACS-HIS that supports all your workflows. Our integration team can help you to come up with your requirements and make sure the integrated PACS-HIS fulfills all those requirements.

Our standard plan supports distribution of DICOM images on all department computers in a hospital, unlimited users, remote viewing, reliable back-up and disaster recovery.

Whether you have a single site hospital or you have a network of hospitals at multiple locations, we have you covered!

Benefits of Using Simplirad Hospital PACS System

Image Distribution

Simplirad allows fast and easy distribution of medical images to all hospital departments. With up to unlimited simultaneous users for free, you can be sure that the site is operating at the quickest speeds possible.

Inbuilt Radiology Information System

Simplirad hospital PACS system has a built in radiology information system (RIS) that enables you to not only see the DICOM images but also report from inside and outside of your facility. Some of the advantages of inbuilt RIS are lesser to no staff shortage issues, reduced operating costs, automatic order creation of medical images, automatic SMS/email alerts to radiologists as soon as a new study gets assigned to them, faster access to medical images, timely completion of tests and studies, and no need to juggle with different interfaces.

Centralized CD/DVD Burning

The Simplirad PACS for hospitals can be configured to support centralized CD/DVD burning. The CD/DVD burner is controlled by the system and allows automatic CD/DVD burning directly from the Simplirad PACS by authorized users. While CD/DVD is an old technology which is getting replaced by digital and more advanced image formats, some patients might still prefer CDs and DVDs to keep their images and reports. In such cases, CD/DVD burning will come in handy.

Import DICOM Data from External CD

Simplirad PACS has the ability to import DICOM data from an external CD by authorized users. When data is imported, it will automatically create a connection with a patient that exists or was newly created.


Simplirad hospital PACS system is a cost-effective option if you want to modernize your radiology department without having to upgrade your hardware. Our team of experts can help you set up a fully functional, integrated, and unified PACS for your hospital without investing in expensive servers and workstations.

Automatic Study Assignment

With Simplirad, you can have configuration rules set so that each new query gets assigned to a radiologist based on their department's preferences. This way, we guarantee that your experts will get what they want and can provide the best possible service.

The simplest assignment rule is that all new acquired studies come in one queue and radiologists can pick a new study as soon as they finish reporting with the previous study. More advanced assignment rules can also easily be set up. Once a new study is assigned to a radiologist, the hospital PACS system can be configured such that the assigned radiologist will receive a message that a new study has been added to his/her workload.

Here are some examples of assignment rules that can be set:

  1. Assignment based on modality

    For example all new acquired CT images always go to radiologist A, while all other modalities are being equally assigned to the radiologists available.

  2. Assignment based on time

    For example all acquired studies between 3 PM and 9 PM are assigned to radiologist C and between 9 PM and 8 AM all acquired studies are assigned to radiologist B.

  3. Emergency queue

    For example emergency cases can automatically be assigned to an emergency queue so that the radiologists can easily see which cases are most urgent.

Multi-step Report Approval Workflow

Simplirad PACS for hospitals can be configured to have a multi-step sign-off procedure to support the use of specific users like residents. The resident will be assigned studies which he/she will report by himself/herself. After the resident signs off the study, the study will be assigned to the supervisor. The supervisor can edit the report if needed before he/she signs off. Only after the supervisor has signed off the report, the report becomes available. Supervisors can even approve reports while accessing Simplirad from outside the hospital.

Teaching Files

Whenever a radiologist is reporting a case that he/she thinks is of interest for future teaching he/she can add it to his/her teaching file. Cases can be added to the folder to be stored in special teaching file folders. The radiologist can easily save the cases based on for instance modality, procedure, pathology etc.

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