
AI-based PACS Radiology Software

Simplirad is an affordable, scalable, and intuitive PACS radiology software. Whether you have a single site radiology center or a network of multiple radiology centers, Simplirad provides automatic workflows to store, share, study, and manage medical images without any confusion.

It eliminates the need for physical storage devices like film or paper records while providing secure access to digital data anytime and anywhere. Less paper, less headache.

Simplirad Radiology PACS System Allows:

  1. Accurate and timely diagnosis
  2. Better organized medical data
  3. Efficient radiology workflows
  4. Reduced data redundancy
  5. Remote access to medical data anytime anywhere
  6. Lower overhead costs

            Consultant radiologists providing onsite read and             tele-reporting services find our solution extremely useful.

Benefits of Using our PACS Radiology Software

HIPAA and DICOM 3.0 Compliant:

We understand the importance of confidentiality in the healthcare industry. Hence, we made our radiology PACS system fully compliant with HIPAA and DICOM 3.0 standards. All the medical images and reports get stored in a highly secure and confidential environment.

In addition to being a secure PACS, Simplirad also enables quick access to patient studies anytime anywhere even when users are on a slow or weak internet connection.

Flexible Deployment Models:

Our radiology PACS system supports both cloud and on-premise deployment. With cloud deployment, you don’t have to worry about investing in expensive servers, workstations and any other hardware, and don’t have to deal with complex installation processes. You can simply start using the software right after onboarding.

With on-premise deployment, Simplirad PACS radiology software can be installed on your existing hardware. You don’t need to buy any new hardware. This will keep your cost low. Upon request Simplirad™ PACS can be delivered with dedicated hardware, like servers, workstations and medical grade monitors. Our experienced team can help you select the best hardware that fits your needs.

No matter what model you choose, you can scale your operations and business smoothly with Simplirad.

Integrated Vendor Neutral Archive:

Simplirad radiology PACS system has an integrated vendor neutral archive software that allows radiology centers store and access medical images without having to worry about image formats.

A lot of times, radiology centers and consultants have to collaborate with other departments to discuss cases of certain patients. A VNA software is highly useful in such scenarios. It’s because the images generated by different hospitals and departments may have different formats and extensions - and a VNA software usually supports all those formats.

Simplirad VNA software supports DICOM, Non-DICOM, JPEG, MP4, PDF and even radiology images generated in cardiology, dentistry, ENT, mammography, ophthalmology, and other departments. Finally, the images are stored in a way that their quality is maintained throughout.

Organized Data With Better Visualization:

Since everything is digital, data gets organized and ordered automatically without doctors and radiologists having to worry about manually organizing it.

Simplirad also provides report and image modification tools right in its interface so that radiologists and doctors can make changes (and mark their findings) in images while studying them. This results in better visualization and accurate treatment.

Second Opinion Workflow:

It’s always good to have a second opinion - especially when it comes to someone who needs medical attention. Simplirad PACS radiology software supports second opinion workflows wherein studies can be shared with consultants and other experts for second opinion.

All this happens in an automated manner. Whenever an expert is assigned a task, he/she gets a notification on SMS/email. The expert can then start working and upon completion, he/she can mark the task complete.

Finally, automatic study reconciliation and assignment are made based on availability and productivity of experts.

24/7 Technical Support and Service:

Simplirad will cover all that is needed when it comes to 24/7 support - you don't have to worry about hiring IT staff or funding the upkeep of the system. We take care of everything and monitor operations closely. If you encounter any problem, our support team is ready 24/7 and can be contacted via phone, email and chat.

Connect All Locations: Do you have a network of multiple radiology centers?

Simplirad PACS software offers a simpler approach to connect all your remote locations. Our pricing is dependent on the number of modes connected, and not the amount or type of RRDS.

The images you acquire can be read and analyzed from one location or from multiple locations, both inside and outside your facilities. When you have radiologists in every location, you can easily share workload between them without them having to travel to the other site location.

Simplirad enables remote viewing of images in full diagnostic quality from any location and on any device connected to the internet. Also, you can easily share your images with your referring doctors, which will increase your referral satisfaction.

Simplirad does not charge you extra for having multiple sites and you can have as many concurrent user accounts as you need.

Start Streamlining
Your Radiology Workflow
Scale your Business.